General Terms of Service


We offer and maintain this web site as a service to our customers. By using the Kidssentials website, you acknowledge and signify that you agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, you should immediately exit this Site. All Web site content, including these terms and conditions, is subject to change without notice. Should you access the Site after changes are posted, you agree that the revised terms and conditions will govern your use of the Site. We suggest you review these terms and conditions each time you access this Web site.

Information Exchange

As part of your use of this website, we may obtain certain information about you which we will hold in confidence according to these Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. By using information you submit when you visit our site, Kidssentials Inc. may send you emails or other communications on various topics, on products, or our company.

Kidssentials Inc. will not use your information in a way that identifies you personally (unless required by law). Please understand that the information submitted to or gathered by us via this website will be treated as confidential. Submissions you make to Kidssentials Inc. through this website remain the sole responsibility of you, and you agree not to submit materials that are unlawful, defamatory, abusive or obscene. You also agree that you will not submit anything to this website that will violate any right of a third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy and/or other personal or proprietary rights.

Limited Right to Use

Kidssentials Inc. grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to view this website and to download or print portions of materials retrieved from the website provided:



(1) it is used only for informational purposes to be shared at home with your family;
(2) you do not remove or obscure copyright notice or other notices.

Except for this grant, no part of this website may be reproduced, republished, copied, transmitted or distributed in any form without our written consent. Please understand this grant does not include any of linked websites.

Copyright and Trademark

Unless otherwise specified on this website, all right, title and interest (including all copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights), belong to Kidssentials Inc., one of its affiliates or to another party that has licensed their material to us. You should assume everything you see or read on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted. The names, images, pictures, logos and icons identifying Kidssentials Inc. products and services are proprietary marks of Kidssentials Inc. and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Except as expressed above, nothing on this website should be construed as conferring any license or right under copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.

Through the use of this website, you agree to indemnify and hold Kidssentials Inc. harmless for any and all unauthorized uses you may make of any material on this website. You acknowledge the unauthorized use of this website’s contents could cause harm to Kidssentials Inc. and, in the Event of any unauthorized use, Kidssentials Inc. is entitled to an injunction in addition to its other rights.

Links and Other Sites

You may not link to the Kidssentials Website without express written permission from Kidssentials. For further information contact our offices. Kidssentials reserves the right to revoke any permission it gives to link to the Kidssentials web site, without notice, without reason or liability.

For additional information Kidssentials Inc. may provide links to third party websites and would like you to understand that we do not assume any responsibility or liability for the other websites:

(1) content;
(2) technology implemented; or
(3) privacy practices.

You should review each websites individual privacy policy and terms of services and make sure you agree to their conditions. Additionally, any link provided on our site does not imply personal endorsement or responsibility for such website by Kidssentials Inc. and we are not responsible or liable for any information you submit to them.


The security of the passwords is your sole responsibility. When creating and using an account on the Kidssentials website you must use a unique password. Login passwords may not be shared and for security reasons must be kept confidential. You are solely responsible and liable for any use and misuse of your login password and for all activities that occur on your Kidssentials site account. You must notify Kidssentials immediately if you suspect your account password is no longer secure, having been lost, stolen or become known to an unauthorized person. You must also take immediate action to change your password. To do so, proceed to the parent account area where you can change the password.

Meal Delivery

All meal delivery dates are listed on the ordering page. The meals will be delivered and provided to the students during their lunch hour. No meal will be delivered without having received full payment. Please refer to PAYMENTS section for more information. Should your child not be at school over the lunch time, or their meal be returned to us, their ordered meal and snacks will be removed from the school by our staff without credit or refund to you.


Please refer to our Cancellation policy for more information.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Kidssentials Inc. does not offer monetary refunds.

Regular Cancellation Policy: If a meal is cancelled prior to 8am sharp of the day of the meal the parent will receive a full credit in the amount of the meal to be applied to a future order. If the meal is cancelled after 8am on the day of the meal NO credit will be given and the parent will forfeit the meal price (including snack prices) for that child. Notification of cancellations must be made directly to Kidssentials through the contact us link on the website.

Field Trip Cancellation Policy: If you have ordered a Kidssentials lunch on a date your child will be away over lunch-time, please contact Kidssentials to cancel the meal as soon as you receive the field trip form. Kindly provide as much notice as possible  2 business days notice or more – to help Kidssentials plan most efficiently. Last minute cancellations are accepted until 8am on the day of the cancellation. Notification of cancellations must be made directly to Kidssentials through the contact us link on the website.


Graduated or leaving student/family: Unused credit amounts will be used to help cover the cost of meals for needy children.

Payment and Service Fees

Payment of meals and snacks must be made in Canadian Dollars and can be made via credit card or cheque(s). Method of payment is chosen when the order is placed. If a credit card is used the full order amount must be paid immediately. If payment method is cheque, one or more cheques can be used. Parents have the option of paying for all of the meals and snacks they have ordered on ONE cheque payable for the date the order is placed, or they may post-date Cheques for the 1st of each month paying for the meals ordered in that month. Should a cheque be returned to us for any reason what so ever the remaining meals will be cancelled immediately and a $30.00 service fee will be added to the amount owing for the food ordered. Should this amount not be paid promptly the total amount will be sent for Collections. The child’s lunch program will resume once the outstanding amount on the account including all service fees is remedied. All future payments must be made by certified cheque or money order. For more information please contact Kidssentials Inc.

Health Information

All materials related to health information are provided for educational purposes only. Furthermore, some of this content comes from third parties and, unless specifically stated, Kidssentials Inc. does not vouch for the correctness of such information. Always consult a physician regarding any health information you have received from outside sources on symptoms or medical conditions. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a reaction or health related issue after consuming any products.

For additional information about a product, please contact Kidssentials Inc.

Disclaimer and Limit of Liability

This website is provided as is and we cannot not guarantee that the functions contained on this website will be un-interrupted or error-free, that this website or its servers are free from viruses or other harmful components and defects. When such issues arise, Kidssentials Inc. will take all actions necessary to eliminate them.

Please understand that Kidssentials Inc. disclaims all responsibility for any loss, liability or damage of any kind resulting from or arising out of:

(1) errors in omissions from this website;
(2) any third party websites or content directly or indirectly accessed through this site;
(3) any information posted by a third party, including without limitation, information posted on any related blog;
(4) the unavailability of this website or any portion of this website;
(5) your use of this website; or
(6) your use of any equipment or software in connection with this website.


Kidssentials will be deemed free of all responsibility or liability for any damages caused by viruses contained within the electronic file containing the form or document. We will not be liable to you for any incidental, special or consequential damages of any kind that may result from use of or inability to use our site. Our maximum liability to you under all circumstances will be equal to the purchase price you pay for your child’s meal.


Any disputes relating to this Site and these Terms of Use and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Ontario and Canada and shall be adjudicated by the courts of Ontario, Canada.

Entire Agreement

These Terms of Service incorporate by reference any notices contained on this website and constitute the entire agreement with respect to your access and use of this website. If any provision of these Terms of Service is unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severed from these Terms of Service and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms.